Published Thursday, March 23, 2006 by JamesBB2.

Gaz and me are on our break from ICT and we're walking down the corridor and see Media Man Tom showing around a possible replacement. He turns around and actually looks like David Brent from The Office!! Proper Funny!!!
Wikkkkkid! I have booked tickets to see The Black eyed peas at Wembley in June, I can't wait so PUMP IT, LOOOUUUDER!!!
Published Sunday, March 19, 2006 by JamesBB2.
So my first clubbing night was on Saturday and what a night it was. Adam came round mine to stay and we left for Guildford at 1945. Started off in the 3 Pigeons with his mates Keeley, Liz, Lauren and James. Saw Lizy there - she gets around (not in a rude way!) Had some drinks then went down to Spoons. Met Guy, Boycel, Hannah and Hannah. Was good but still smelt of puke! We moved on to Edwards where Guy and his lot went home but we continued the drinking. Then it was on to The Drink Nightclub. Paid £12 to get in but it was well worth it. Danced with a couple of cheeky, drunk it up and enjoyed the music. We left at 0300am and came home! What a night!