Published Thursday, December 22, 2005 by JamesBB2.
Gutted I am. I have just thought about how fucked up my knee has made my life for the next 3 months. The doctor said I can't play any football or any sports for ages, my knee wont heal. So that means over the festive period there will be no Ice Skating (which I was gonna go to one of the London rinks for), no Bowling, no running around with mates. I am sooooo bloody annoyed!
Published Tuesday, December 20, 2005 by JamesBB2.
Right, the past 24 hours have been hell in the life of James Easton. Yesterday morning I wake up and have a shower. I turn to pick up the shampoo off the floor and pull a muscle in my back. That fricking hurt. I then had a driving lesson that finished in Guildford. We all had a good idea that we should jump over a high wall. I jumped, landed funnily and couldn't move. I knew I had fucked my knee in some way as I couldn't put any weight on my leg. So Josh and Matt helped me hobble to Guildford bus station and I went back to Matts for the night. I woke up and got ready for work this morning and then made my way to the bus stop. Due to a road closure, no buses were turning up, so one going to Guildford had to turn around to go to Wonersh, so he gave us all a lift up. Met Chris and then waited for Dad to pick me up and I then went to work. I explained to Terry what had happened and she wanted me to go to the doctors. So I came home and booked an Appointment. When I finally had the appointment, the doctor looked at my knee, said "Oh My God" (to which I thought SHIIIT!), signed me off work straight away for three weeks. That was it, my Christmas will be shit. I went back to Sains, talked to personell, saw the gorgeous Amy again, then continued what will be my boring Christmas Holidays.