Published Saturday, October 01, 2005 by JamesBB2.
So last night we were waiting for Jo to get a lift home after myself kicking ass at bowling, 3 incidents happened. First off Chris thought it would be a good idea to get in a trolley. Prickesh then came out and said "What is this" to Chris! LOL!

Then my mate Danny was there with his Mum in the car, and this Ocado Driver couldnt get past. So instead of patiently waiting, he honked his horn and wouldn't stop. So me Chris and Josh just was shouting to him to "Shut the fuck up" etc etc then when he left Josh kicked his van. HAHAHA Fat Shit!

Then Prickesh came round the corner because Leah was tryin 2 light a fag and he goes "Do Not Light Up In The Forecourt" despite himself just having a fag there 10 mins before!
LOL. So there you go, an insight into Prickesh and the Bramley BP!
Published Sunday, September 25, 2005 by JamesBB2.

Yes my exhibitor pass to Weekend At Daves!