Published Saturday, January 21, 2006 by JamesBB2.
So the day had come, I had been lucky enough to win VIP tickets to a Big Brother eviction after entering a competition on
T4's website. So a week after I had been to Elstree to witness Jodie being evicted I ended up in the same place again, with my mate Josh, this time with all expenses paid! So we get to Elstree with loadsa time to kill and therefore we decide to go for a pint and a game of pool in the pub opposite the station. Yes a pretty cool bar but I was annoyed I lost 3 games to nil. Oh well. We made our way to station and waited in the cold for an army of Pink Big Brother Land Rovers to creep around the corner to give us lifts to the VIP tent at the studios! Well didn't we feel special! Our ride was shared with Aaron and Charlotte proper nice people who came all the way from Sheffield uni.
Into the studio we went. Mobli (Carphone Warehouse Mascot) was there to greet us with the official photographer snapping us to later be placed on a website. Then cane the free booze. But before that started, how could I resist the free massage from a lovely lady! Blonde lady! Well lets just say I could have gone to sleep if I had been at home after that, relaxed me good and proper! SO eating drinking and socialising we chatted to the Uni goers as well as Steve and his lovely people. Top bloke he was, life and soul! Then we were ushered away. Having had way too many beers from the free bar, I didn't really know where I was! But then we were put in a special pen, right at the front of the studio complex! My mission if I chose to accept was to get a little kissy wissy from the sexy Davina McCall who looked bloody hot again! Mission completed, she came down shaking hands, I leant over and a little peck on the cheek was all mine! SWEEET! Also got her to sign my train ticket! Quality! Also chatted to the great warm up guy Matthew who was a legend again, so good at his job! Russell Brand came out to say hello and he came over for a handshake! Top guy! The people next to me (one Scotty lass and one American dude) were quality as well and liked my Rula is a Boohlah chant. But it didn't even make sense! Oh well it was for a laugh. Being all lary is my thing, apart from the brrrrrrrap and the "Baywatch Baywatch" when they mentioned Traci, I got the "5,4,3,2,1" chants going just as Rula (who was evicted) had to leave the house! Wayhay! SO that was that. We were ushered away to the meeting place for pink cars again. Got our free goodie bags, said goodbye to the quality peeps we met, and myself, Josh, Charlotte and Aaron all got in a rover, which the driver was good enough to drop us at the pub. Another set of photos infront of the car and to the door we went! Shit bouncers!
So we found out they were asing for ID but I chatted to one of the bouncers who just let us in, quality guy, you had to be Bloody 21!!! Quality pub inside and atmosphere was like a club! Had a pint and chatted to couple of lovely ladies, whch one of them was talking sign language putting her hand to her heart then pointed at me. So I was like "yeah whatever" and gave her a couple pecks! Then I fucked off! So enjoying our pint with our newly made friends, the time was with us to depart! We said our goodbyes and took the 3 minute stroll to Elstree station. There we were and got talking to some lovely ladies from my old digs in Bromley. The lovely Denise, Amiee, Jess and Orpington college girl(I forgot ure name soz) all joined our train to make our journey a little bit more enjoyable. They alighted at East Croydon, ourselves at Gatwick and our little V.I.P Big Brother adventure was over! What a great night!
Published Sunday, January 15, 2006 by JamesBB2.
Yep so my interview at Big Brother was shown on E4 last night on Big Brother's Big Mouth. Was well cool. Here are some screencaps!