I'm back, ramblings of a Jet Setter

Back to College BOBO


So Back to College! LOL

I said to Ollie at Lunch that I reckon we will get the smelly Arriva bus driver named BOBO (BY US!) I said I would fall about laughing!

So we are waiting at Shackers, and Ollie goes (when the Bus came up the hill) "James, it's BOBO" I was like whatever and damn me IT WAS HIM!

When we got on, I couldn't stop laughing when showing him my ticket!

Oh the life of me!

Cant get away can ya!


well i went to portsmouth to shop today and saw one of my managers from sainsburys! he asked if i was orite etc but I CAN'T GET AWAY FROM ANYONE!

Da Music That Brought In The New Year!!


So now that I have fully recovered I'm gonna tell you about the music you pick when ure pissed!

I asked for a bit of the Vengaboys and he was saying 2 me they were crap. He told me when he put it on that "That man over there requested this" and also told me to dance as I had requested it! Also Tubthumping by Chumbawumba is a choon! This was Played.

Other music played was my song of the year Call on Me by Eric Prydz and Stonebridge - Put em High!

After he had finished, I went to shake his hand and he said "I'll remember the Vengaboys for next year, Happy new year" I said I bought the album when I was younger - he said "cash converters would give me 50p for it!"

he was well safe

Now to look for the Vengaboys on the Internet!

About me

  • I'm JamesBB2
  • From Henfield, West Sussex, United Kingdom
  • See my world, from a sky high view!
  • My profile
