Well not using that comment cos I liked Maxwell, but thats the only way to describe it. The Big Brother final was amazing! So I met with Joel and we made our way to Elstree, and at 5pm the queue was really long. We were so lucky to get in. Eventually after queueing for ages, we got in. Compared to what it was like when I went to see Vanessa was evicted, it was completely different. The outdoor space was taken up with a stage. After a few minutes waiting, BBLB proucer came on stage and said they are gonna film some stuff for BBLB. Then Dermot came on stage. Dermot intoduced the show by saying "Its the final count down, DU DE DU DU" to which we all replied "DU DU DE DU DU" Classic!
Me and Joel we standing under the big screen. Time was then passed with songs got us all in the mood to parrtay! Matthew the stage warm up guy was amazing as usual, a really funny guy! So the first show started, Davina looked stunning! The atmosphere was great. All the other housemates came out onto the stage. Orlaith looked stunning. Science was cool, Roberto did a Whateva Minga! Quality!
Kinga came 4th was interviewed, she was great to be interviewed with! It was funny because we were akk singing 10 green bottles hanging on a wall in relation to her bottle incident! Then they announced Makosi was 3rd. She would be interviewed in the next show!
During the break, I managed to make eye contact and point to (and him point back at me) Science, also managed to get Roberto to do the same! Was wicked!
So Makosi came out and was interviewed. I as well as loadsa other people chanted "off off off off" and "liar liar liar" because her interview was fake and complete bullshit! Never heard so much booing and chanting. Everyone hated her. Then Davina went to speak to the house, it was Eugene or Anthony to win. I really wanted Euegene to win and kept shouting his name! Then It Came: "Big Brother House, This Is Davina, You are Live on Channel 4, please do not swear" "Anthony.... and Eugene, The lines are closed, the votes have been counted and verified and I can now reveal that the winner of Big Brother 2005 is....." (Davina kept us waiting for ages and there were mixed screams of Euegene and Anthony.) ".....ANTHONY" Hundreds of screams! I was just pleased Makosi didn't win. I wanted local boy Eugene to win, but so glad he came 2nd. Eugene then came out to a huge applause! I don't think he was expecting it! But he had a great time posing for the cameras and playing to the crowd! He was such a nice guy! I well like him, he gains my respect.
So it was time, the winner of Big Brother 2005 came out. Anthony. Amazing amount of fireworks! Couldnt believe it! Better than 5th November! LOL! It was the best atmosphere. He was interviewed then worked with the crowd. During the interview, Maxwell shouted that Anthony should take the money back off Euegene, to which the crowd told him to STFU! When he was watching his highlights with Davina on the big screen, he looked at me and put his thumbs up - well cool! So that was it, Big Brother was over, it finished with another huge fireworks display. Science then started chatting with the crowd. Well funny! We were thanked by the organisers and were whisked out quickly!
What a great night! Grabbing some food in Tesco's after, we talked to people who had been in the queue since 6am. They had got their banner signed! Lucky people! I really wanted to meet the guys. So we walked up to the station, we spoke to some drunk bloke, saw Davinas bodyguard walk past, who I shook hands with!, the Big Brother lawer, and two lovely girls, who were all getting the train with us. On the train back to Gatwick, back to real life! After meeting some right drunk fruitloops on board! Oh well!
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