So I'm writing this at 06:30 am after getting back from the Studios at 02:00 am! Knackered I am.
I met up with Suzanne, Aly and there friend Jo and Blackfriars and we got straight on a train to Elstree. After a walk down the high street (and some Sambuca shots lol) we joined the huge queue into the studios!
As our tickets were only for outside, I asked the producer woman and her producer man if me and my cousins could have entrance to the studio! She said wherebouts are ya and I showed her. She walked past us a couple times looking at us, and eventually on the way back up, the man made a moving motion to me and then said "she won't shut up so I'm giving you guys access!" How amazing! We thanked her so much! the guy was telling the girl not to give me her number or sumin which was quite funny! Maybe she loved me lol! We had the wristbands on and then cut past the whole queue! The house looked sooooo small! I couldn't believe the housemates were behind those walls!
So we got into a special area for studio guests, and the warm up man Matthew came on to warm the crowd up - he was really funny! Then Davina came past - she was absolutely stunning! So hot! Really nice person too! Saying hello to everyone!
So Matthew said 10...9....8.... etc to show - titles roll and were in! With this weeks eviction, Big Brother had lied about who was up - saying it was Anthony, Craig and Kemal, but in fact it was all of the other housemates, who the public chose 2 to be voted off by fellow housemates. When Davina told them about being up for eviction, the couldn't believe it! Science was such a legend! Orlaith was soooo fit! After the show had finished recording, Davina came up to chat to us all! Got a well close pic!
So during the 30 min break between programmes, we got ushured into the studio! It was soooo cool to be in there and such a great feeling! We were given water as it was soo hot! All us lot were right up the front!
The housemates had to vote for either Vanessa or Makosi - in front of them - it must of been sooooo horrible! But in the end, Vanessa was evicted, she was really upset! Then she left the house "Vanessa you have been evicted, please leave the Big Brother house". Into the studio with Davina she came, we all applauded her (we were told she was very very upset). I couldn't believe how close we were to them! Seriously less than 2 metres away. The interview was great, Vanessa seemed like a nice girl, Davina talked to her for ages, comforting her.
There was a right close up of Aly clapping, but when I watched it when we got home, you could see me and Suzanne clearly in the shot! Soo cool! After it had finished recording, Davina paraded Vanessa to us again then swiftly left. I was taking pictures of the studio and in one of the shots, Orlaith was topless (again - not complaining though!) on the screen! I was taking a picture of that screen unaware! Aly called me a perv! I asked why and she said your taking a picture of Orlaith topless! I was quite embarrased! Apparently loadsa peeps were looking at me strangely!
And then that was it, what an experience!
Adam rung me saying him and Cat had seen me on TV - this is cool!
Definately a great night and I definately wanna go again!
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