An event I have wanted to go to for a little while, I eventually won tickets for last nights (Sun 4th Feb) Superbash at Battersea Park. It was the official UK NFL Party for the Superbowl (Indianapolis Colts v Chicago Bears). I took my best bud Josh along.
We boarded the train from Guildford to London with lots of beer in tow, and merrily drunk our way to London! A nob on the train decided to ask us to keep it down, and when we got off at Clapham Junction, I took the piss outta him, he looked out the window and put his middle finger up at us. Proper funny!
We got to Victoria, had a lovely KFC, and boarded the bus to the Superbash venue. When we got their it was quality, flashing lights and searchlights colouring the sky and the atmosphere was buzzing. The first thing we did when we got there was to have a beer! So we got 5 each and a free Coors bucket. The venue had three huge HDTV screens, a stage, a shop, VIP area and bars.
We had a browse around the shops, bought a Superbash T-Shirt and tried on helmets. When we were trying these on, Sky came and filmed us! Was quality. We then went and got photos as part of EA Games Madden 2007 stand. So I put all the gear on - armour, helmet and shirt! Sky filmed me doing this too!
We say Franke Quadrue and Tomaz Radzinski from Fulham there too!
The entertainment was good, Trevor Nelson was hosting it and The Cuban Brothers and Miami Dolphins cheerleaders provided the entertainment. I was just getting more and more drunk.
I got talking to one of the people who works for Coors (beer sponsor) who had access to the V.I.P lounge. He left me and left his ticket on the floor, so I went to the organisers and said my band had fallen off and showed them my ticket. They didn't believe me at first but they gave me one! I can't believe I blagged a V.I.P lounge pass hehe! Free bar for me! So I was going up and getting the drinks for me and Josh!
When I came downstairs Trevor Nelson was having an interview infront of the filming area and I went and started chatting to him. He then told me a story about his producer and how when they were over in New Orleans he had all the Cheerleaders over him. Then a press photographer took a photo of me and him! Quality! Then me and Josh got photos with him on our phones! He said if I txt in to his Radio 1 show this Sat, he'll give us a shoutout.
We went back to the photo areas and got photos taken with us wearing helmets. We pretended to start on each other with made the photographer girl laugh.
So eventually I managed to persuade Josh to come up to V.I.P with me, he snuck past the bouncers! So we got talking to people. These two guys who put a 2,500 bet on the Colts winning. We thought it was bullshit. Then another couple of guys and the fit photographer girl from EA. We got a few freebies which were cool. Apparently I was flirting with her! hehe. But they were all decent people, and we ended up staying in there for the rest of the night.
I went back down to the front where they were giving out foam hands, but the bouncers wouldnt let me into the main arena with them! So I walked away and shoved them up my shirt and snuck back in lol!
The colts unfortunately won, but I didn't care, it was way too fun! We left there about 4am on the bus, and on the way out I tried to take this case of Coke Zero which spilled all over the floor! Hehe. The coke man was like "You gonna pick them up?!" and I just walked away. Then when we were walking out I was asking for loadsa freebies with no success and a gal at the front said ask the bouncer if we can have some coke. He said one or two cans each, but when he turned his back I took the whole case! hehe.
We boarded the bus, got talking to more people on the coach. Got on a train to Gatwick Airport. The guard was trying to check our tickets but we tried to stay asleep and starting a pretend argument between us saying Josh had lost them. Everyone else on the train was laughing, and eventually the guard walked off.
When we got to Gatwick, I was feeling so sick, but composed myself, and went to the loo. I got lost in the Aiport lol. I was so wasted!
We then got on a Virgin Trains service to Guildford, well comfortable. Our ticket antics nearly paid off until the guard started hitting my seat lol. Oh well. We paid up. Was a funny ride, we listened to the on board radio (well cool) to Simon Webbe "COMING AROUND AGAIN" as we pulled into Guildford! Josh was like "I found music" lol.
Taxi back to Josh's at 600am and then sleep! What a night!

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