Clubbing 2nite - Freakz Nite!
Published Tuesday, June 20, 2006 by JamesBB2 | E-mail this post
Myself and Matt find ourselves now going to Time most Mondays. You always see the odd yomen dancing on the floor but tonight there was like too many to name! One guy was deffo on drugs and must have been a paedo - he was like 50 and dancing on the dancefloor trying it on with loadsa girls! Sooo fucking funny, he danced like chris!!! There was a kid that looked like Sam88/Radar doing sum sorta chicken dance! There was another guy trying it on with everyone who got into a fight with bouncers later on! Something funny (well not really) was wen this girl fell off the podium and hit her back on the pole! Had to get a bouncer!
On another front my glasses worked wonders again! 2 gals 2nite wanted them! Wayhay!
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