The final day arrived :( after my hot choco first thing, ed asked me to get milk for the office straight away, as well as Lou asking me to get her daily chocolate fix!
I opened the post, loadsa CD's 2dy so that was quite cool. Just chilled around the office today, chattin to everyone. There was a meeting for all the office staff, so me and Mark (freelance) had a chat when they all left. Bare Safe man he is.
Checked the email with Joe. Some hotties, some mingers! Also had a play with buck the deer - quality!
Had a chicken caesar from Pret at lunch, bare nice! Opened more post from readers. Lol some stupid ask the secretary ones! Lou let me have some Nuts T-shirts and a bottle of Nuts beer! LOL!
The time came for me to go :( Didn't really wanna, but at least theres July.
So thanks to: Lou, Dicky, Gavin, Terri, Nick, Hans, Ed, Pete, Gersh and Mark, as well as Phil (editor) and Derek (not Lansdell!!). All of them gave me such a great week. I can't wait to go back.
Lol sounds like a bloody awards speech.
1 last thing - Lou's sooo funny when she does her "Am I Bothered, Am I, You Think Im Bothered" Chav speak! Lol Legend!
Also, Ed looks like someone in a thing called "The breakfast CLub" there was a picture up on the wall - sooo funny!
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